For the past years I've been consuming protein as my post workouts, this has a lot of benefits. A lot of girls ask me if consuming protein will make them look butch and "bigger" and my answer is always no. I'm going to give you some basic tips when starting to drink protein and which one should you buy.

I've been working out with HIIT training and weights since i started. A lot of people always think how 45 minutes a day can be any effective when getting fit. Well the answer is even more effective than a conventional gym workout. Some people spend hours at the gym, doing conventional machines, combining with cardio. That's good, it is...

The common question a lot of girls ask me on instagram and at the gym is, are weights going to make me look like a guy? NO GIRLS! Building muscles has to do a lot of the weight you use and the reps you make. For example, doing few reps with high weight can make you build muscle, here I'm...

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